Friday, August 13, 2010

bonjour, non?

long time no write...

i'm currently sitting at my desk. pondering how to make money grow on trees. i once thought of my self as a frugile, "water with lemon please", paint my nails at home kind of girl.

yet i keep wondering, why is my bank account at a stand still? and then i realize i was allll wrong. who am i kidding? i'm the queen of "i need this water bottle. it's so cute and it's only $7", "it's been a rough week, i deserve this $60 lucca shirt", "victoria secret undies 7 for $25, i can't pass that up!" girl.

i'm working on ideas to fix this problem i have. eat out only once a week? oooh...not sure if that's doable. that's my social life.

drop my YMCA membership? yeah right. i practically live there.

shop less? comment.

little by little. i'll figure it out.

in the mean time. i'm on the hunt for a cheap waffle iron.